- Trial
- Trail
- Semi trial
modifikasi ini menitikberatkan pada manuver pengendara di jalur ekstrim menanjak. Posisi manuver yang dimaksud yaitu posisi berdiri. jok sangat rendah, hampir tidak mungkin untuk merasa nyaman bila duduk. Pijakan kaki (footstep) lebih mundur dari aslinya agar rider dapat dengan mudah mengatur pembagian bobot tubuhnya apakah lebih berat di depan atau belakang sesuai dengan jalur yang dilalui.
2. Trail
modifikasi ini mengutamakan kenyamanan rider di trek datar offroad. tapi jika dipakai di trek ekstrim menanjak gampang jatuh salto. posisi jok biasanya tinggi dan tebal.
3. semi trial
Modifikasi ini menggabungkan kenyamanan di jalur datar offroad dan kemampuan manuver di jalur menanjak ekstrim.
At least there are 3 (three) modification concepts in customizing an adventure motorcycle.
- Trial
- Trail
- Semi trial
this concept priority is the ability to manuver in an extreem steep grade track. the rider stand on the footstep, not sit on the seat. the seat is low so it's not comfotable to sit. the footstep located far behind the original location, so the rider can control the distribution of his weight.
2. Trail
This concept priority is the comfort of the rider in riding on a far bumpy flat track. but it's usualy easy to fall backward in a steep grade track. the seat is high and thick.
3. Semi trial
This concept is between the trail and trial concept.so the bike will be comfortable for long ride and also able to manuver on a steep grade track.
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