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Wednesday, August 26, 2009


GAS GAS TXT PRO 300 RAGA 2010 telah diumumkan oleh GAS GAS. perubahan yang dapat dilihat yaitu pada warna. rangka yang sebelumnya emas menjadi berwarna merah dan bodi motor berwarna gabungan merah dan hitam. selain itu perubahan juga terjadi pada :

> New Crankshaft (125 Pro)
> New Carburetor (125 Pro)
> New Wiring loom
> New internals on Marzocchi forks (same as '09 Raga)
> New decals and design
> S3 Titanium front pipe
> Two piece cylinder head for fast compression changes
> Vertex piston (PRO300)
> New shape on front fender
> Gearbox changes
> Kickstart mechanism changes
> New chain tensioner
> New clutch lever
> New stronger radiator with new position for thermostat
> New handlebars
> New black swingarm color
> Titanium anodized wheel rims, also other parts

Monday, August 24, 2009

Modifikasi Untuk Adventure

Setidaknya ada 3(tiga) jenis modifikasi untuk adventure off road
  1. Trial
  2. Trail
  3. Semi trial

modifikasi ini menitikberatkan pada manuver pengendara di jalur ekstrim menanjak. Posisi manuver yang dimaksud yaitu posisi berdiri. jok sangat rendah, hampir tidak mungkin untuk merasa nyaman bila duduk. Pijakan kaki (footstep) lebih mundur dari aslinya agar rider dapat dengan mudah mengatur pembagian bobot tubuhnya apakah lebih berat di depan atau belakang sesuai dengan jalur yang dilalui.

2. Trail
modifikasi ini mengutamakan kenyamanan rider di trek datar offroad. tapi jika dipakai di trek ekstrim menanjak gampang jatuh salto. posisi jok biasanya tinggi dan tebal.

3. semi trial
Modifikasi ini menggabungkan kenyamanan di jalur datar offroad dan kemampuan manuver di jalur menanjak ekstrim.

At least there are 3 (three) modification concepts in customizing an adventure motorcycle.
  1. Trial
  2. Trail
  3. Semi trial
1. Trial
this concept priority is the ability to manuver in an extreem steep grade track. the rider stand on the footstep, not sit on the seat. the seat is low so it's not comfotable to sit. the footstep located far behind the original location, so the rider can control the distribution of his weight.

2. Trail
This concept priority is the comfort of the rider in riding on a far bumpy flat track. but it's usualy easy to fall backward in a steep grade track. the seat is high and thick.

3. Semi trial
This concept is between the trail and trial the bike will be comfortable for long ride and also able to manuver on a steep grade track.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Yamaha RX-K 1984 TRIAL
Yamaha RX-K 135cc tahun 1984 ini sudah dimodif untuk adventure trail (trial) offroad. Rangka asli sudah diistirahatkan hanya dipakai bagian downtubenya saja. Yang lain diganti dengan plat siku yang disatuin jadi pipa kotak. backbone yang semula single diubah jadi dobel. lalu dicat silver.

Tangki handmade dari plat drum, tutup tangki pakai punya drum juga. lebih rapat dan kuat, meski lubangnya kecil. dicat pakai warna biru.

Jok dibuat tipis mengikuti rangka belakang yang pendek. sepatbor depan dan belakang buat sendiri pakai pipa paralon wavin yang digoreng pakai minyak goreng dan dibentuk (pakai oli juga bisa tapi nanti kalau dicat susah nempel).

knalpot handmade dari plat. tabung knalpot terdiri dari tiga potongan yang dilas. lengan ayun (swing arm) dibuat dari besi kanal yang ditutup hingga sangat kuat. tapi di motor ini swing arm nya terlalu pendek jadi mudah standing di jalan menanjak ekstrem offroad ( rencana mau ditambah panjang lagi).

Rem depan pakai asli, sedangkan rem belakang yang aslinya teromol diganti cakram. cakram belakang pakai milik Suzuki Satria ( dudukan cakram memakai alumunium cor yang dibaut di tromol ).

Ban depan Swallow Terracross 80/90-21, belakang Swallow Terracross 100/110-18. sok depan dipanjangin pipa sulingnya. sok belakang pakai punya Jupiter MX 135.

This Yamaha RX-K 135 cc 1984 had been modified for adventure trail (trial). the original frame was cut and only the downtube that's used. the anther parts of the frame was replaced by square plat. the backbone that's single became double. and then painted with silver colour.

The fuel tank was made from drum plate and also the tank cup. it's stronger.

the seat was thin following the model of the rear frame (the rear frame's like keris ). front and rear mudguards was handmade from PVC (wavin) that's fried using frying oil ( we can also use engine oil but would make difficult to be painted).

I also use drum plate for its exhaust. the exhaust tube was from three different parts that,s welded. the swing arm was made from canal bars that's strong, but in this bike, the swing arm was too short. it's making the front wheel easy to stand (jump) on a steep grade track.

The front brake was still original and using Susuki Satria 120 for its rear brake.

the front wheel was Swalow Terra cross 80/90 21 and the rear wheel was 100/110-18. the rear shock absorber was using Jupiter MX 135.



Suzuki TS 125 ini dibeli tahun 2003 dari seorang bule yang bekerja di PT. CALTEX Duri. Riau, melalui seorang teman. Karena tampang yang standar kurang gaul maka dimodif jadi trail enduro untuk harian .

pertama sok belakang diganjal 2,5 cm jadi lebih nungging, lalu batok lampu depan diganti dengan yang bermata dua sama sepatbor depan pake variasi yang murah aja.

Pengereman diubah, dari yang semula full tromol diganti cakram. Rem belakang pakai cakram variasi yang dibuatin dudukan dengan cara dicor almunium (menghabiskan 6 buah piston Bus) trus dibaut di teromol aslinya. cakram depan pake variasi lebar digabung tromol Suzuki GT (cakram dan pengganjalan sok belakang juga pemasangan lampu dilakukan di Bengkel Las dan Bubut “Anda” di Jalan Bima, Tambakan, Muntilan, Magelang. punya Om Cing-Cing)

Selang rem depan gabungan pake punya mobil yang disambung. Salah satunya Feroza. Selain lebih kuat juga karena waktu itu masih sulit cari selang yang panjang.

Sepatbor belakang diganti pake plat drum buatan Mas Bagio di Dusun Jetis, Sirahan, Salam, Magelang trus dicat sendiri setelah didempul dengan dempul sekarung, cat pake Pilox doang.

Ban masih standar karena untuk harian. Biaya yang dikeluarkan cukup murah karena pakai part yang biasa biasa aja gak bermerek dan juga loakan (ex : cakram n tromol). tapi udah lumayan gaul untuk jalan-jalan

Sekitar bulan Oktober 2008 Pak Gunawan (Muntilan) mengajak untuk ikut adenture trail di daerah Kaponan, Merbabu. Pak Gunawan pakai Suzuki TS tahun 2004 sudah modif full enduro. pake ban pacul.

Ternyata spek motorku yang udah dibuat tinggi dan masih ban standar sama sekali gak cocok untuk adventure. baru seperempat trek aku sudah megap-megap hampir pingsan, kaki gak sampai menapak tanah, jatuh bangun sampe rem belakang putus dan sepatbor depan pecah(adventure kok pakai yang murah). belum ada sepermpat trek aku sudah menyerah karena ban pun gak ada traksi (kondisi musim hujan)..Dari saat itulah petualanganku berpetualang naik trail dimulai…………………………………
oleh : Nick

Suzuki TS 125 1997 TRAIL

This Suzuki TS 125 was bought in 2003 from American worker in CALTEX Duri, Riau, Indonesia. Because the standar look was boring, the owner (myself) modified the motorcycle to a daily use Endurance Trail.

First, I made the rear shock absorber about 2,5 cm longer. then front lamp was replaced with double eyes model.

The brakes were changed from drum brakes to disk brakes. Rear disk brake was made by adding the original hub with aluminium cast that was screwed in the hub. I used 320 mm disk for front brake combine with double piston caliper and Suzuki GT’s hub.

I used car brake hose for it because at that time, it still difficult to find long brake hose. The hose was from Daihatsu Feroza combined with other car hose.(until now) it is stronger than if I used the real hose for front brake.

The rear mud guard was made from asphalt drum with Suzuki RM 125 for its model. The rear guard was painted using yellow spray paint. Because this bike was a daily use bike, so I still used its original tires.

On October 2008 Mr. Gunawan was inviting me to take part in Adventure trail that would be held at Kaponan, Merbabu, Magelang. He was using Suzuki TS 125 2004 that had been modified to an endurance trail complete with its knobby tires.

My motorcycle that was high and still used its original tire was absolutely not good for adventure. At a quarter of the track, I almost “out of breathe” because it’s rainy season and the tire had no traction at all. And I GAVE UP…but at that time my adventure by trail motorcycle was JUST BEGUN…………………………….
by: Nick



GAS GAS TXT PRO 300 RAGA 2009 merupakan motor trial yang dipakai ADAM RAGA pada kejuaraan trial dunia(aslinya yang dipakai Raga berwarna merah putih). Ciri khas dari motor ini yaitu penggunaan pipa tubular pada rangka. Pabrikan motor trial lain (sherco, scorpa, beta, montesa) jarang menggunakan pipa tubular ganda, terutama pada bagian backbone. Sangat menarik untuk dijadikan acuan modifikasi motor trial modifikator indonesia. Karena sampai saat ini belum ada yang menggunakannya, kalaupun ada hanya segelintir saja.

GAS GAS TXT PRO 300 RAGA 2009 is used by ADAM RAGA in World Trial Championship The special thing about this trial motorcycle is because it uses double tubular pipe on the frame especialy on backbone frame. other factory( like scorpa,sherco, beta, or montesa) rarely use that on their bike. this can be good modification model for indonesian trial modificator in customizing local motorcycle for adventure trail (trial).

Model TXT PRO 300 RAGA
Cylinder size 294,1 cc.
Type Two-stroke, single cylinder with reed intake directly into crankcase.
Cooling system Liquid.
Bore x Stroke 79×60 mm.
Carburetor 26 mm.
Ignition CDI digital magnetic flywheel.
Selector Coaxial selector of Gas Gas® (Patented).
Clutch Command hydraulic of 1/3 discs progressive variable with diaphragm of Gas Gas® (Patented).
Gear box 6 speeds. Four system of GAS GAS®(Patented).
Transmission Primary with gears, secondary with chain.
Lubrication wheel bearing big end Engine oil continuous with bypass
Greasing engine 2.5% mixture
Greasing clutch and gear 550cc. S.A.E 10W40 type oil
Frame Tubular profile in CR-MO
Front suspension Adjustable telehidraulic fork, with 40 mm aluminum bars.
Rear suspension Variable progressivity system with single shock absorber.
front brakes 185 mm. disc, 4 piston caliper.
Rear brakes 150 mm. disc, 2 piston caliper.
front wheels Rims with 32 spokes, 2,75×21″.
Rear wheels Rims with 21 spokes, 4,00×18 tubeless.
Engine protector Made by Ergal®.
Kick start pedal Forged aluminum.
Brake and change pedal Forged aluminum with flexible tip.
Wheelbase 1.330 mm.
Height seat 665 mm.
Fuel tank capacity 3.1 liters.
Mass 66 kg.

sumber :
by : Nick
